Jesus our lord and savior

Jesus our lord and savior

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Poem for My Mother

The Fruit of the Spirit

My mother is a Christian,
In every important way;
The fruit of the Holy Spirit
Is displayed in her every day.

My mother is filled with kindness,
With love and joy and peace;
Her patience and her goodness
Inspire, and never cease.

She follows our Lord Jesus
With faithfulness, and more;
She’s gentle and has self control,
She knows what prayer is for.

Thanks, Mom, for being a Christian,
And showing me how to be;
I’ll follow your example
For all eternity.

By Joanna Fuchs

Thank you for being such a wonderful Mother and Godly example to me. 
Dedicated to My Mother who has now passed on to Glory. 

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