Jesus our lord and savior

Jesus our lord and savior

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Dedicated to My Father on this Fathers Day

The Gift God Gave Me Was You

I will never say goodbye to you my Father 
because I know this is not the end for us to see each other.
You will only be going to a place where there's no pain nor suffering.
I am happy for you, for you will be with God.
For now we need to go in separate ways.
I remember how your arms hold me and give me strength.
You were always there to listen, love, and defend me in everything.
You were my very best friend. 
In my triumphs you were always proud.
I'm very grateful and proud to call you my dad.
Here deep inside my heart you'll always be.
I would give up everything I have just to hug you one more time.
I remember the last time we had a long talk and the time we had.
If only I could turn back the time I would let you know more how much I love you and your testimony.
I felt the world stop and my heart stop beating when you were gone.......
How I wish I was only dreaming.
Just like the rain; tears fell down from my eyes, I couldn't speak for awhile. 
Thank you Dad.... 
For always understanding, listening, caring, and loving me your whole life. 

Your testimony and your giving to the Lord. You taugh me so much that I did realize till you were gone.

I thank you for being the greatest Dad in the world. I am who I am because of you. Thank You !! 

The greatest gift God gave me was YOU........ my Dad...

It's difficult to let you go but I must...
I must return the gift God gave me...
Till then;
See you in Heaven.........


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