Jesus our lord and savior

Jesus our lord and savior

Friday, March 17, 2023

Fake Christians

We live in a perilous times just as the bible says we would and many false prophets would arise. There have been many rise to the for front in recent years. Many have replaced Jesus with a man from a certain political party. Many churches in the holiness movement have lost their way and now preach a political message. 

Narrow is the way that leadith life and few there be that find it. The anti christ has now arisen in the holiness movement. Be careful my fellow believers, do not be deceived fellow Christian. Now is a time to prayerfully walk as many have fallen away. Oh they still go to church and do what the believe is worship but it is deception. 

These are the fake christians, they proclaim to love God but do not follow his word. They are full of hate and rage, they are quick to shead blood and talk about their neighbor. They are quick to hurt and slander. The Love of God is not in them and they are false prophets.

Stay close to God my friends and stay rooted in prayer.

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